Google Launches URL Shortener with SEO Impact to Public

Forget about Bi.tly or Tiny URL, Google’s new URL shortening service, has just been launched to the public. comes with its own site ( and some cool analytics.
For those that don’t know what a URL shorterner is, it’s a service that takes really long URLs like this:and shortens them to:

Five Google Webmaster Tweaks to Optimize Your Rankings

With the ever expanding feature set of Google’s Webmaster Tools, it’s easy to miss some of the more essential settings and tools that can help you achieve top rankings.
In this post, I’ll cover 5 tips which will give your site the best chance of ranking well.

Guide to Good Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) 10 Tips

Getting your website listed in Search Engines (SE) can sometime be a monumental task in itself, here are my top ten tips to get you started.

1. Page Title
Forget using 'Welcome to my website' as your page title, if you really want to attract target media specify your keywords and list your product keywords separated by an | (hold Shift + backslash key) symbol (eg: Digital Cameras | Video Cameras) will boost the strength of your chosen keywords, in this case Digital and Video Cameras.

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